Micah Baker

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I'm a Computing Science student at Simon Fraser University, in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

I mostly dump information about various projects I've worked on here, and my contact information too.

Lots of C, C++, Go, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, etc.


Simon Fraser University


Brave Technology Cooperative


CSSS Website - React front-end and FastAPI back-end.
Ongoing · GitHub · new.sfucsss.org

PacMacro - PacMan, but in real life, using GPS tracking.
Ongoing · GitHub

GleebleGlob - Terminal video streaming service.
May 2024 · GitHub · GleebleGlob.club

droppr - WebRTC file transfer service.
March 2024 · GitHub · droppr.net

GAOL - Graphics and objects library.
August 2023 · GitHub

Yell - Peer-to-peer networking library.
April 2023 · GitHub

qsim - Particle physics simulator.
January 2022 · GitHub

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